From homeless to happy
From homeless to happy
Tel: 07843 151819
From homeless to happy
Registered Charity No. 1178977

We found a home
Here at Good Life Dog Rescue we always aim to match the right dog with the right people! Many dogs that come into our care not only go on to find a forever home but become the love of their owners life.
Please see just some of our 'Happy Ever After stories' below. Offering a rescue dog a forever home is not only a rewarding feeling for the adopters but helps Good Life Dog Rescue more determined to help the dogs in need that are waiting at local Stray Kennels.
Thank you to all adopters and people willing to give these animals not only a new start to life but helping us to continue to save more dogs in the future.

Violet An oldy but a goody
Violet came into our care from the stray kennels where she was a favourite of the staff. Such a wonderful older girl of 12 years who was desperate to find a new home. Well she was soon snapped up by a wonderful couple, Jane and Chris from Derby. They adore this little lady who is now commonly known as one of the Staffy Ambassadors as she loves everyone and everything.
She has a busy social calendar and goes to church with her owners as Chris plays the organ. Not only does she visit elderly people with Jane in the care homes she has many outings on the train and also goes to an Art class with Jane and is a regular at the local coffee shops out and about on her travels. Now known also as 'Violet small paws". Jane writes Violets diary and hopes to publish it very soon. Named Staffy about town" She is now a star and has appeared in the Derby Telegraph recently. What a Superstar Staffy, loved by all she meets.
She is adored by all the neighbours and local people and often promotes adoption for Staffies & older dogs everywhere. Although she does often raid the house bin due to being a foodie and also does roll on the church carpet on Sundays, she truly is well loved and has landed on all four paws as small as they may well be.

Bella (now Ella) one year old Staffy cross
Bella came into care like all of our dogs from the stray kennels. Full of life and full of licks for everyone and seemed totally oblivious she was homeless. She loved everyone and also got along with other dogs. She loved to play and adored her balls.
She now lives with a lovely couple who have a beautiful Shepherd cross who Ella loves. They play together and sleep together and despite their differences in size are great companions. Ella has truly landed on her feet and is spoiled rotten. Thank you to Mr and Mrs Tracey for giving this young lady a new lease of life.
More homes are desperately needed for rescues dogs all over the country. Yorkshire certainly has its fair share of unwanted and abandoned dogs. We try and help as many as we can with limited funds.

Missy - another oldie but goodie
Missy was yet another older dog with an uncertain future waiting at the stray kennels. 12 years old but full of life and love for everyone and everything. She always had a huge smile for everyone heading her way.
Good Life Dog Rescue moved Missy to a large rehoming centre whwre she went into a foster home. She was one of many that came into care for emergency boarding. Good Life Dog Rescue support the older dogs and urgent strays in emergency boarding until rescues spaces become available. All boarding and immediate veterinary care is paid for by our limited funds.

Clyde (now Billy) Saluki Lurcher
Clyde was a lively young man that had a heart of gold. He was full of life and love for everyone he laid eyes on. Having come into our care as a stray and a large dog we did not think he would find a home quite so easily.
As they say there is someone for everyone in this life and that certainly was true when Sally Murray and her family laid eyes on him. It was love at first sight. Clyde went on to his new home who had not only mountains of love to give him but were prepared to help him with his training and guidance.
He is well cared for, well loved and has plenty of exercise, followed by snoozes. Clyde now Billy has found the perfect home and now lives with two resident cats.
Another fabulous dog that found a fabulous home.

Marty (now Ben) very loving Labrador cross Staffy
Marty is a Labrador Staffy cross with a wonderful nauture. He nows lives with a wonderful couple in Wakefield who fell in love with Marty's photos. He soon became Ben which suits him and he now happily lives with a very small older lady cat. They have a mutual understanding that all will be OK providing he always understands that she is in charge and was here first.
Ben has grown and continues to grow into a loving dog. Thanks to time and dedicated owners prepared give time and guidance for a younger dog.

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Bella 10 month old crossbreed
Curley Shirley (now Pipa)
Curly Shirley was a real character that came into our care. It was hard to believe that nobody was missing such a small dog with a large personality. She was lively and a sparky little lady, very typical of the Patterdale breed. Everyone loved her but she seemed to be overlooked despite her quirky appearance and spice for life.
She was adopted by a wonderful retired couple from Blackpool where she now enjoys playtimes on the beach. She is adored by Mr and Mrs Hanslip who travelled a fair way to meet this bundle. They brought with them photos of their last pets over many many years who always had kept a massive place in their memory and left a huge hole in their hearts on departure.
A fabulous dog, now in a loving, caring home with two great people. Playtimes on the beach for evermore!!!!

Rudy, Kiki, Roz and Flora
Rudy, Kiki, Roz and Flora
Good Life Dog Rescue help many strays find rescue places. All the dogs we help are unclaimed. abandoned strays from local strays kennels. Here are four recently moved by us into the care of a larger rehoming centre.
Taking photos every week enables us to help the dogs needing rescue places. All photos are emailed to rescues with information about each dog. We also advertise the dogs via many rehoming sites where some dogs have been rehomed directly from the strays kennels. Many stray kennels work hard to rehome their own strays.

Jimmy (now Dutch) - white Staffy
Jimmy came into care our from a local stray kennel where he was a firm fave with everyone. After some lovely photos he was advertised for rehoming with Good Life Dog Rescue. In a few days we had a call from a lovely couple, Jane and Paul from Grimsby who understood the plight of the staffies having lost their old Staffy boy from old age and illness. They were coming to visit Staffies. Fabulous news.
Well It can only be described as 'love at first sight'. Jane knew Jimmy was the one for her. Despite his energy, strength and lively demeanour Jane and Paul loved this boy from the start. They have dedicated their time and have worked with Dutch to stop him pulling. Giving him training and guidance and plenty of love he has grown into a smashing young sociable dog. He is still lively but gets the exercise and most of all the love he craves. He adores the grandchildren and being such responsible owners, they brought their grandson to meet Dutch before adoption. Experienced homes are always needed.
Staffies having a huge affinity with people adore their new owners and it goes without saying Jane and Paul adore Ducth right back. Staffy Savvy homes are in short supply.
Thank you to Jane and Paul for adopting a rescue staffy.

Charley, Dolly, Lenny and Penny & Baloo
Good Life Dog Rescue moved these four lovely dogs to rescue. Charle, Dolly, Penny and Lenny and Baloo. Very friendly, affectionate dogs, all had been assessed and we found them to be very affectionate dogs. Many dogs come into care as strays and deserve a chance of a new start to life.
Both Dolly and Penny had been used for puppies in their past, but once safely in rescue would be spayed prior rehoming. Please consider helping us to help the strays.
Charley, Dolly, Lenny and Penny & Baloo
Good Life Dog Rescue moved these four lovely dogs to rescue. Charley, Dolly, Penny and Lenny and Baloo. Very friendly, affectionate dogs, all had been assessed and we found them to be very affectionate dogs. Many dogs come into care as strays and deserve a chance of a new start to life.
Both Dolly and Penny had been used for puppies in their past, but once safely in rescue would be spayed prior rehoming. Please consider helping us to help the strays.
We move many strays dogs into rescue every week.

Super Stan old Staffy boy
Super Stan is and was a super Staffy. As of all our dogs he came into care from the stray kennels and was a real gentleman Staffy of over 10 years. Loving everyone from day one, all this old boy wanted was a home and someone to love him again. He was adopted by a wonderful older couple, Mr and Mrs Frogatt who have given Stan a new lease of life. He is on mild pain relief for his Arthritis, yet loves his ball and to play and of course to snooze. He is so loved and every day is a happy one for this older chap, being spoiled and adored was always on his list of must haves. There is always life in the Old but Gold dogs as we like to say. Can you consider adopting an older dog?.
Here at Good Life Dog Rescue we always try and help the older dogs who are often overlooked. The fear of losing an old dog often make them sadly less appealing to new adopters. People fear the heartache and the thought of losing a dog too painful.
Please do not overlook the Oldies but Goodies needing homes. We always consider the older dogs needing help and homes. Older dogs are usually easier to care for and having life experience and knowledge, they often fit into homes and families with no trouble at all.

Charlie Chuckles found a home!
Charlie finds a new home at last. We love all the dogs we help but sometimes one dog comes along and melts the heart. If any dog deserved and needed to find a home then Charlie was certianly a special case for Good Life.
This gorgeous young dog came into care from a West Yorkshire pound in December 2016 as a very young Stafford. He was overlooked at kennels for many months despite his love for everyone. He needed someone to give him the love he craved and someone who could spend much needed time with him. He craved company, needed guidance and most of all the love he had been missing for most of his life. Although a good dog and quiet in his kennel he was a sad young man.
He was seen via his advert and we were contacted by a fabulous couple who worked from home and had previously lost and grieved their Staffy boy. Along came Tim and Adele. It goes without saying for Adele it was love at first sight. Charlie went home and could not of dreamed of such a lovely home and couple to spoil him and offer him the guidance he needed. He is doing so well in his new home and life and has recently been on a fabulous holiday. He has been running on the beach and Tim and Adele always have time for playtimes which Charlie adores. He is such a happy dog and will be given as much love back to a Special couple who not only love the breed but love Charlie. We thank Tim and Adele and everyone who adopts a rescue dog in need.

Nellie - Very sweet Red Staffy
Nellie was a very sweet small nervous Staffy girl. She as with all our dogs came into care from the stray kennels and was scared of her own shadow. She would crawl on her belly and hide in her bed hoping nobody would notice her. We adored her and after much TLC and soul searching it wasn't long before Nellie realised we meant her no harm. Lots of people felt so sad for this unhappy dog especially her new owners to be Mr and Mrs Wood from Bolsover. A new lease of life was about to begin for little nervous Nellie. Now living a life of luxury and greeting all with plenty of enthusiasm instead of fear.
Thank you to a wonderful couple for giving this loving dog a home and a chance.

Belle - Brindle beauty
Belle arrived into care as a stray young Staffy girl. She became so distressed in kennels she damaged her cruciate ligament and pulled all her claws out by jumping over and over causing herself terrible injuries in kennels. After much veterinary care and an operation later we were able to find Belle a foster home where she soon settled in was well loved. Due to unforseen circumstances Belle had to come back into our care and after only a week was found on the website by Sharon and Andrew Mayo. These people loved Belle and had previously owned a Staffy. As we always say once you have had the love of a Staffy there will never be another dog for you. Opening your heart and home to a Stafford, means you will never ever feel lonely again. How very true. Belle now lives with a large cat and a wonderful family. She goes to work with Andrew and is hardly ever alone. A far cry from climbing the kennel walls. Now a very happy girl in a great home.

Pippy (Now Amber)
Everyone loved Pippy and Pippy loved everyone. From the stray kennels to our rescue and anyone who was ever lucky enough to meet her. Pippy now Amber came into our care with very poorly skin. She received veterinary care from us and sadly had not had a great past life. Used for breeding and uncared for she ended up at the stray kennels with sore skin and underweight. This happy, loving girl was not with us very long and soon moved on to her new home in Sheffield with Jill Johnson and her Staffy loving family. She has recently returned from her holiday on the Norfolk Broads and spends her days making up for lost time with lots of spoiling. She is so loved and now living a contented life and no longer being used for breeding. Amber's skin is improving every day.
Many dogs come into our care in terrible condition and have been uncared for or simply neglected by their owners. We ensure all our dogs receive any veterinary care they need prior to finding a forever home. Many thanks to Jill and her husband and daughter Alisia for giving Amber a new start to life.

Bruno - A small staffy with a large personality
Bruno was over the moon to say the least when his forever family arrived to meet him. A small portly little lad with a large personality and a happy go lucky outlook found his new home with Andrew and Julie and an array of Staffy loving grand children and children. Another fun loving, gorgeous dog now living a life of spoiling and well deserved comforts. Bruno had previously lived with another dog and was super friendly with dogs on his walks. He liked everyone and often was seen in the company of other Staffies spreading the word about town of how great Staffords are. Thank you Andrew and Julie for offering Bruno a home. Here at Good Life Dog Rescue we always have Staffies in our care looking for homes. We know despite misconceptions that this often forgotten breed are very loving, yet confident, reliable dogs that make wonderful family pets.
Anyone wishing to consider a Staffy for adoption is quite welcome to contact us for a chat about adopting a Staffy. Please see our many adopters who are great ambassadors for the breed. We often have Staffies of all ages waiting for loving homes. Contact us for more information today.

Daisy (Sasha) - from homeless to happy in Huddersfield
Sasha now Daisy found a very loving home with a great family in Huddersfield. Now sharing her life with Louie a cross breed Spaniel/American Bull dog she lives her life with plenty of company and spoiling. Lots of play times and running around with Louie, it's like the little and large show of the doggie world.
Sasha's life was not always so simple as she had belonged to to a homeless man. She was still adored but sadly ended up coming into the stray kennels when her owner became ill and had to go into hospital. Reluctantly he had to let Daisy then Sasha find herself a new home. This wasn't to be long as she was spotted advertised by Good Life by Christine her now very doting mum and owner.
Thank you to Christine and her husband Daisy is living a happy life. Please contact us if you would love to have a chat about rehoming a Staffy. We always have many looking for loving homes and pastures new. Open your heart to a Staffy like Daisy.

Little Ernie becomes little Ern with Christine and Walter
Despite Little Ernie coming into our care walking in fleas he was one well sought after little lad. A fab little mongrel of possibly Westie cross Poodle. He had the best curly locks ever but also carried many other little friends with him. After much de-fleaing and a mass exodus of his pals he was one little celebrity dog with his own hotline to Good Life Dog Rescue. The phone was red hot for this little lad. He was cute, super loving but slightly nervous. It was without doubt he would find a home very quickly.
Faster than you could evacuate his jumping friends Ernie found a forever home. He is so loved and lives with his mum and dad Walter and Christine. He adores attention and everyone he meets says how fabulous he is. Much to his mum and dads pleasure we can truly say that Ernie now endearingly named Little Ern has landed himself a happy home. Plenty of walks, attention and with lots of new friends now and not of jumping nature we add.
Many dogs are abandoned through no fault of their own. Thank you to Christine and Walter Ernie is one happy little lad living a smashing life.
Harriet now Cassie loving the home comforts
Cassie found her forever home with The Daley's who absolutely love her. Its hard not to. Sadly Cassie was just one of many Brindle Staffies desperate to find someone to love her. Yet another sweet girl who came into our care from the stray kennels. We fell in love with her and knew it was just a matter of time until someone else did. She had so much to give her new adopters and is now just doing what she always dreamed of. She is high energy which does not phase her fab owners one bit, having owned Staffies before. Once a Staffy lover always a Staffy lover. Thank you to the Daley's for giving a rescue Staffy a loving home.

Fab Finn (was Cole) enjoying his happy ending
Cole was a puppy Patterdale of approx 8 months that came into care as a stray, lively, fully of love, life and mischief. He is still full of love, life and mischief yet now has a wonderful new owner to share it with. Thanks to experienced Terrier owner and dog lover, Marie he now goes to work every day at a livery with his two step sister dogs and his new mum. Careful introductions to his new surroundings and soon he will be running around loving his new freedom. As you can see from his photos his behaviour is monitored closely by the livery boss cat. Happy days and a perfect busy life ahead for a busy little lad. Thanks Marie for giving Finn the ideal home.
Evie (was Bullseye) beautiful, sweet, loving 10 Year old
Evie (then Bullseye) found herself homeless and left at the stray kennels without the love and home comforts she was used to. Many older dogs are abandoned by their owners in their later years which we find heartbreaking. Evie was no exception and into our care she came. Everyone at the Stray kennels we help adored her and so did we. She soon landed on those big paws with a young couple Jenny and Shaun who live in Yorkshire. She adores her walks and is every bit the sweetheart older lady. Thanks to fabulous adopters she now has plenty of cuddles, love and the comforts every old dog deserves.
Here at Good Life we help many older dogs left homeless at the stray kennels.. Many are needing veterinary care. We help as many as we can and if we cannot help we make sure we find them a rescue at the larger rehoming centres. Senior dogs are often easier dogs to look after. They give so much and expect so little. Contact us for more oldies needing 5 Star retirement homes today. Thank you to Evie's new adopters life is now sweet.

Champ finds a loving home
Champ was an older boy Lurcher that came into Good Life care from the stray kennels. He was handsome affectionate and very sweet natured but was an older chap. Sadly Champ was one of many dogs that found kennel life a struggle. As time went on he became more upset and stressed. Due to his age and his quirky ways he was a harder to rehome oldie. As we always say there is certainly a special someone for every dog and just when you feel so disheartened by seeing Champ a sad boy in kennels every week along came Anita. A special lady from Huddersfield that saw through this old boy and was dedicated to giving him a new love of his life, yes herself. Having had many bad teeth removed months previously Champ now has a gummy smile for England as he snoozes, goes for country walks and now has a home he could only of ever dreamed. Thanks to Anita, another fabulous adopter.

Adorable Mollie Collie
Everyone loved Mollie Collie. On visiting the stray kennels one Saturday we were introduced to the sweetest older Collie cross breed. We endearingly names her Mollie Collie. She was loving, very calm yet unhappy at losing her home. We feel heart break for all the dogs in our care but on seeing so many abandoned older dogs it can be so distressing. We try very hard to help the oldies waiting at the stray kennels. They cannot tell us their story. At Good Life Dog Rescue we are very passionate about helping the stray older dogs in Yorkshire pounds. It didn't take long for Mollie to get noticed by a lovely couple Angie and Dave. It goes without saying they fell madly in love with her. She now lives an active, spoiled life with two special people who adore her. Loving and living in Sheffield and enjoying a life of being cherished. Thanking all adopters willing to give the senior dogs a new life.
Molly Moo - A real character
Molly Moo was and is a gorgeous Staffy lady. She came into our care from the stray kennels at 10 years. She is so loved by her adopter Louise and wants for nothing. Molly is one of the cheeky seniors that takes no prisoners and it is without doubt that she has more front than Blackpool itself. Molly came into our care suffering poorly ears which is quite common in older dogs and especially Staffords. Although her ears can never be perfect they are maintained with lots of TLC cleaning and regular drops by her owner. Molly continues to be cheeky and collects the largest branches when out on her walks. She adores tummy tickles and rolls to the floor at the drop of a hat. This gorgeous senior Staffy is a real gem and adds nicely to the group of seniors that have made their way from the stray kennels into some amazing homes, Thanks to Louise for giving this lady a new start to life. Molly is now lovingly called "My Molly" Don't we know it. Love an oldie today.

Gracie - Finds a family
Gracie is one lovely little terrier cross Staffy that has well and truly landed on all paws with the wonderful Verity family. She now lives on a farm with her new family and another little older dog. Gracie came into our care on Christmas Eve from the stray kennels and we know she had previously lived with another dog. She was small and pretty with some amazing stripes on her head. A beautiful chestnut brown colour with a very loving and sweet nature to match. Richard and Lauren came to meet Gracie and brought their family with them. On meeting this little lady they were madly in love. Here at Good Life we are always grateful to adopters. Many will know that we adore Staffies and have helped many. As well as the dogs in our care we also continue to help the strays still waiting at the local pounds. We move many into other rescues and we are always happy to help the Staffies as they sadly are always left behind.. Please visit our website to see our dogs needing homes.
Bella - small sad lady
Bella was a very sad little Staffy that was always overlooked at the kennels. She used to hide in her bed and was very shut down at losing her home. She came into care as do all our Staffies from the stray kennels and had clearly been used for her puppies. She was very very affectionate with people and once out of her kennels all she wanted was cuddles and to climb on your knee. Bella had a large lump on her back we which had tested and removed. We ensure all our dogs are health checked and we always pay for any operations needed however costly. Belle was spotted by the Ford family on an open day at Netherlands kennels and having been adopted she has never looked back. She is so loved and happy and soon realised that if she stood long enough at the fridge door maybe something would fall out. Bella is no longer a sad lady but a happy hound enjoying all life can offer. Finding homes for stray dogs and seeing them enjoying a new life is what keeps us going. We thank our adopters so much.

When Basil met Squeak!
Basil, a middle aged stray dog came into Good Life care some what flea bitten and thin. He was gorgeous despite being in need of some TLC. His new owners Elaine and Dave were searching for a cat friendly rescue dog to live with their much treasured cat Squeak. Having no previous history on our dogs it can be very difficult to know if it would work and we love all animals and ensure the safety of all other pets. This lovely couple, having fallen in love with Basil decided to take him home for careful introductions. Well it goes without saying 'A match was made in heaven" Basil now lives in Doncaster and is so loved. Infact we don't know who loves Basil more Elaine and Dave or Squeak his Ginger buddy. It's safe to say Basil has come along way since his Flea-bitten days of waiting longingly at the stray kennels many months ago. Many people long to have a dog when they have felines at home. Careful introductions are essential and it is very possible to achieve harmony with dogs and cats. Here is a love story for sure.
Barry White older chunky American Bulldog chap
Barry (new name Jaxx) was an older but very loving large American Bulldog. He had a spice for life and used to throw his very heavy paws to you for treats. He had a squidgey face to die for and was amazing but had poorly skin.
He quickly landed on his large paws with a fabulous man called Andy who is known for his love and experience of large breed dogs. Barry now called Jaxx lives with another large breed lady whom he loves and Andy has made sure he receives any vet care he needs. He is a dedicated owner. Jaxx loves his new family and is one happy older boy loving life again.