From homeless to happy
From homeless to happy
Tel: 07843 151819
From homeless to happy
Registered Charity No. 1178977
New Bully XL legislation
From 31 December 2023 breeding, selling, advertising, rehoming, abandoning and allowing an American Bully XL dog to stray will be illegal. From this date, these dogs must be kept on a lead and muzzled in public.
From 1 February 2024 it will be a criminal offence to own an XL Bully in England and Wales unless you have a License for your dog. Owners will have until 31 January 2024 to apply for this exemption via a license.
We know this is worrying if you own a Bully XL or a dog who could be classed as an American Bully XL. Please do not panic. We understand that people are extremely upset at the Governments legislation and we are trying to help and advise people. See below for more information and links about what you need to do.

• Have third party liability insurance against your dog injuring other people
• Be aged over 16
• Let the Index of Exempt Dogs know if you change address, or your dog dies.
If you have any concerns or are worried by the new legislation then please read the links above or call us so we can forward you more information. If you need help with muzzle training there are local behaviourists that can offer you help. See also the link below.
Big cheers from Good Life

We cheered with delight when the Staffords came in at No.1 on 'Britains Top 100 Dogs' and not before time we might add. Our volunteer based charity takes hundreds of these dogs every year from the local stray pounds and rehomes them to very special individuals who cherish them. Many have been abandoned, abused, neglected and used for breeding. It is wonderful that at long last these dogs have some recognition for their loving nature, intelligence, genuine love for children, devotion and of course charm.

Happy ever afters are our goal
Every week Good Life Dog Rescue visits the stray kennels. We are passionate about helping stray dogs find rescue places. We take as many into our care as we possibly can but are very hands on in moving many many more into other reputable charities. This year we have helped over 200 dogs find pastures new. We are dedicated to helping stray and abandoned dogs in Yorkshire. Please support us in our work.

Annie found true love and a forever home.
This beautiful young Staffy cross was abandoned by her owner and left in the stray kennels with a very swollen belly, underweight and very very poorly. We called her Annie. She was rushed for urgent and immediate surgery by our rescue after very upsetting and distressing concern for her welfare. Annie suffered a pyometra. Pyometra is a secondary infection in the uterus and is considered a serious and life threatening condition that must be treated quickly. A fabulous vet performed life saving surgery on Annie who would of lost her life otherwise. It was very upsetting for all concerned and touch and go whether this beautiful dog would make it through. Annie nearly lost her life having suffered with severe poisoning of her system after the operation. Annie lost so much weight and only survived by being syringe fed by like-minded friends and supporters of ours. She fell in love with everyone and everyone fell in love with her. Very slowly she recovered and eventually she became a healthy weight. Annie is just one example of the neglect we see on a regular basis. She now lives with some special humans in Sheffield and is one cherished lady indeed. This is another homeless to happy at its best.

Good Life are Stafford Flag Flyers
Here at Good Life we fly a flag high for the neglected and abandoned Bull breeds. We rehome a huge volume of Staffies every year who often find themselves homeless through no fault of their own. Due to their massive love and trust with people they are often an easy target dog to mistreat. We see many at local stray kennels and never leave these forgotten dogs left behind. Our the recent years their popularity has increased and we have many requests from potential adopters looking to rehome. Big smiles and an even bigger heart have this amazing breed.
A sad fact is that staffies find it very hard to find homes in rescues and stray kennels and are often overlooked for other breeds. Due to over breeding, negative portrayal and very bad publicity sadly means rescues and stray kennels are bursting with this fabulous forgotten breed. Please consider a Staffy when looking to adopt a rescue dog. Contact us and visit our Staffies looking for homes today.
Staffies have a huge affinity with people and offer unconditional love. Staffies are devoted to their families, adults and children alike. If you show a Staffy love and affection, you will get that love back tenfold. They are small enough to have a cuddle on your lap, they learn quickly and they have fun personalities!’ Staffies are strong, athletic, agile and active dogs and will need a home that have plenty of time for exercise. Staffy Savvy homes are always in short supply. These forgotten dogs are always overlooked and left behind in rescues and the stray kennels yet despite misconceptions the Staffordshire Bull Terrier is a loyal, loving, highly intelligent and a reliable breed. Please love a staffy and consider adoption today!.
There are lots and lots of Staffies looking for homes of all ages, including puppies, young adults, middle aged and seniors. Staffies needing homes to suit all lifestyles are often waiting in rescues and stray kennels in Yorkshire.
Please consider them when looking to adopt a dog. Never be lonely again, adopt a Staffy and find a friend for life.
Dedicated to helping stray dogs at Yorkshire pounds
Every week Good Life Dog Rescue visits the stray kennels. We are passionate about helping stray dogs find rescue places. We take as many into our care as we possibly can but are very hands on in moving many many more into other reputable charities. This year we have helped over 200 dogs find pastures new. We are dedicated to helping stray and abandoned dogs in Yorkshire. Please support us in the work we do.

We are here for the Yorkshire strays in need
Every week we visit the local stray kennels to help the dogs in care that have legally served their required time. We take a huge volume of dogs every year and have formed good relationships over a period of years with staff and owners. These dogs have nobody in life. Some have endured years of abuse and neglect and many are in need of urgent veterinary help. We dedicate our time in providing care to these dogs that are most in need. A sad fact of life for many is that the abuse on the inside is much harder to fix than what can be seen on the outside. We are here for these dogs and work endless hours to give them the love and support they need. Forever homes are out there for every dog. We never give up hope.

Helping dogs that have suffered cruelty and neglect
Every week Good Life Dog Rescue try and help many strays that have suffered abandonment. Sadly some weeks are very difficult and not only have these dogs been abandoned they have been abused and neglected and suffered terrible acts of cruelty. This week we have seen two terrible cases of cruelty. Here is just one Greyhound, straved and very sad. Still managed a tail wag. This lovely Greyhound is now safe and was transported on Saturday by us to Dogs Trust Leeds.
We are a small charity and have limited funds to help the dogs in need. Please help us ito help the strays like Fleck. Any donations are greatly received however small.